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Sirocco Parfume - House Of Hecate

$25.95 CAD

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New from H O U S E of H E C A T E - Essence-de-Parfum

SIROCCO: orange bitters, rose absolute, amber

These Essence de Parfum are delicate and complex and inherently have a bit of mystery.

These Luxurious, delicate, inconspicuous scents created are just for you. We aim to leave people intrigued, not overpowered.

How to:

Fragrance is intensified by the warmth of your own body.

Apply in the creases of your knees and elbows for a longer-lasting, stronger scent.

After applying, avoid rubbing or dabbing skin. This breaks down the fragrance, causing it to wear off more quickly.


proprietary Blend perfumers’ alcohol, high-grade perfume oil